The Wolf of Wall Street

Dir: Martin Scorsese

Year: 2014

Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie, Kyle Chandler, Matthew McConaughey, Jon Bernthal

Genre: Crime/Comedy/Drama/Biography

Cert: 18

Rating:  ★★★★★


Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a stock broker who manages to defraud his way to the top of Wall Street and open up his own film with his team of elite salesmen (mainly weed) and his new friend, Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill). In this world of money, they all plunge into quaaludes, cocaine, sex, orgies, strippers, hookers, valium, cocaine, sex, helicopters, boats, ludes, hookers and more cocaine. Jordan is basically Tony Montana in this film. Their wealth and greed and lavish lifestyle puts them on the trail of a take-no-shit FBI agent, Patrick Denham (Kyle Chandler) who is hellbent on taking them all down. 

This was a fucking tremendous film, in every aspect I thought! It was side-splittingly funny, which was nice to see coming from Scorsese, in a proper comedy sense. Because lets face it, moments of Raging Bull and Goodfellas are fucking hilarious, albeit sometimes unintentional. A particular scene involving copious amounts of ludes that were a decade old is absolutely hysterical.The cinematography screams classic Scorsese style, and his editing. Was interesting to see him shoot on both film and digital. Apparently the digital was for the outdoor night scenes. It looks fantastic! Scorsese uses the music in this perfectly too, in the same odd way Tarantino does where it's unsuiting but very suiting at the same time. Was odd to hear Everlong by Foo Fighters though. I love the song but it was out after the film is set, which normally doesn't stop Scorsese or Tarantino but with every other song in this I think was set around the time.

This film also now holds the records for the most uses of the word fuck in a feature film with 569 fucks. A documentary called FUCK holds the over all record with 857 fucks and the film before Wolf that held it for a feature film was Spike "The great director but absolute cunt" Lee's crime-drama, Summer of Sam with 435 fucks throughout. I had originally thought of doing this review with 569 fucks in it but I realised it would fucking be a pain in the fucking balls and fucking take up half of the fucking page and have fucking fucks after every fucking word. Far too fucking much fucking hassle! Where was I? Fuck... ah yes!

This is definitely the most audacious film that Scorsese has made in his career and probably the same for the rest of the cast! This film is littered with foul language, EXTREME drug use and it just wouldn't be a true Scorsese picture without some violence, it's mild enough in this, but it's there. The film even got Scorsese his second NC-17 (after Casino for violence), this was for sexual content and you can see why. Dicks and pussies galore here! All the performances are top notch, DiCaprio goes absolutely full throttle in this, Several times you would swear he was actually supremely fucked on these drugs. Not the first time hes portrayed drug addiction though, he played a frighteningly accurate heroin junkie in The Basketball Diaries, something I would love to revisit soon actually been a couple of years... I've gone off track again! He was tremendous, never would I have thought I'd see him blowing loads of cocaine up a hooker's arse through a straw... I would love to see him walk away with an Oscar for this but I don't think it'll happen! Purely because Matthew McConaughey was so incredible in Dallas Buyers Club. He's also in this as Jordan's charismatic first boss, Mark Hanna. 

The original cut for the movie ran about 4 hours, so I think in that hour there would have been a bit more about Mark Hanna and the brief partnership himself and Jordan had in the early 90's. Jonah Hill did absolutely fantastic in this and definitely earned his Oscar nomination, though same as Leo, I think he'll lose out to Jared Leto for Dallas Buyers Club. That said, if himself or Leo did bag the two of them, I'd be fairly delighted! Hill really gave it his all in this too, his best role to date, it has a lot of the familiar Jonah Hill charm but he truly pushed the boundaries of his ability in this. For authenticity, he even took a real punch from Jon Bernthal of Walking Dead fame. It looked like a solid dig too and he's built like a brick shit-house in this. His character Brad is instantly likable too. There was plenty of cameos throughout, some are even top directors! There was a lot familiar faces scattered about too, Ethan Suplee was almost unrecognisable, he looked like he could punch the fuckin' head off a lion.

The look of this film had the 80's and early 90's down to an absolute T, very impressively done. An absolutely enthralling watch and supremely enjoyable, I could easily sit through all 3 hours again this weekend! What makes this so incredible is that it's a true story about a real guy. In any other circumstance you'd just laugh and say how ridiculous it all is, especially if it was set in modern day, but the fact it's a true story made even more believable by the fact it was around the time of all that chaos, is just incredible. One of the most enjoyable films of the year and without a doubt the most fucking shit-pantsingly funny movie of the year so far! Best enjoyed in the cinema I think! 

This review contained 23 Fucks - Including the one just used...
